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This sucks!

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July 21, 2010
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject: This sucks!
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If I had known years ago how difficult being an atheist was going to make dating in my late 30's... I probably would've opted for brainwash!

So there you have it. Lonely, & h---- in Massachusetts....

At this point, I think my criteria for a mate is down to him not being a believer, having a sense of humor, & possessing good hygiene.

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Posted:     Post subject:

`We're out here. I run the Atheists of Greater Lowell group; we're a small group that meets twice a month for simple get-togethers. I hope to see you at one soon.

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July 21, 2010
Posts: 2

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`Thanks so much for that, Scott!

I had no idea there's a group.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Yeah, thanks! I went to MeetUp and found a group meeting near me today!

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August 12, 2012
Posts: 5

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`I'm ready to give up not only on dating but on life in general.

What I've typed offline, should be published as a book. Maybe I'll call it American Loser or something like that...

Do you know what it's like being rejected nearly 9 out of 10 times by women because you're an Atheist? Even the nice ones I meet--when they finally find out, it's as though I'm some sort of diseased leper or trans-gender freak they don't want to sit with in the same room!

I've tried and tried. The same pattern over and over again.
And out in the real world, outside of dating, I'm pretty darn sure that I lost my last job because I was one of these soul-less Atheists working in a factory environment with Christians on one side of me and Muslims on the other.
They slowly and gradually poked at me to find out my belief system. I eventually said that I'm a non-believer and not into religion. When they followed me to my car and saw me reading an SF novel with "demonic" aliens on the cover, BS story led to BS story, with BS piled upon BS piled upon BS. The few friends I had there left me. I ended up alone. I was scapegoated. Now I have no career.

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October 27, 2011
Posts: 46

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trekker1701 wrote: `I'm ready to give up not only on dating but on life in general.

We're all going to die one day and none of this will matter.

trekker1701 wrote: What I've typed offline, should be published as a book. Maybe I'll call it American Loser or something like that...

Or a film perhaps? Green Day's American Idiot with the words changed to reflect the subject matter could be the soundtrack?

trekker1701 wrote: Do you know what it's like being rejected nearly 9 out of 10 times by women because you're an Atheist?

I'd call that a lucky escape personally. Turn it around and imagine your life with a bible bashing, cross burning nut case? It's not going to work now is it? Let's be honest here.

trekker1701 wrote: Even the nice ones I meet--when they finally find out, it's as though I'm some sort of diseased leper or trans-gender freak they don't want to sit with in the same room!

Well I would have expected that sort of statement and compassion from one of the fundamentalist religious lot you are talking about, but from an atheist? Come on!

Doesn't the leper deserve compassion? What's wrong with "trans-gender freaks"? What is wrong with freaks and weirdos in general? Some of us are very nice. It's the ----ing "normals" you want to worry about.

trekker1701 wrote: I've tried and tried. The same pattern over and over again.
And out in the real world, outside of dating, I'm pretty darn sure that I lost my last job because I was one of these soul-less Atheists working in a factory environment with Christians on one side of me and Muslims on the other.

"Here I am stuck in the middle with you". Yes I remember that song too.

trekker1701 wrote: They slowly and gradually poked at me to find out my belief system. I eventually said that I'm a non-believer and not into religion. When they followed me to my car and saw me reading an SF novel with "demonic" aliens on the cover, BS story led to BS story, with BS piled upon BS piled upon BS.

Sounds like constructive dismissal. Oh and whatever happened to your First Amendment?

trekker1701 wrote: The few friends I had there left me. I ended up alone. I was scapegoated. Now I have no career.

They were never your friends in the first place, but I probably don't need to tell you that. Perhaps you need to move to somewhere else?

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March 14, 2019
Posts: 13

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`Hello there. I'm new here and will be glad to talk with everybody :-)

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